To the stats!
- Temperature: 79°F
- Wind: W 7 mph
- Humidity: 54%
- Miles: 10.91
- Time: 00:45:04
- Max Speed: 18 mph
- Average Speed: 14.4 mph
- iPod: Led Zeppelin II & Ruins (IV) up to the start of “The Battle of Evermore.”
- Temperature: 77°F
- Wind: W 8 mph
- Humidity: 57%
Wow! I’m surprised I increased my average speed by 2 tenths. I actually had to slow down for a side ache. You’ll note I switched to the iPod today. I was worried I might get caught in the rain so I wrapped my iPhone in a plastic Ziploc bag just in case. I wasn’t so worried about my iPod. I learned I didn’t need to worry so much as the chance for rain dropped to 20%. Go figure.