Been Awhile.

Just Keep Running

Yeah, I took some time off from running/biking. But, back at it today. Stats below.

Stalled Resumption Resumed

Just Keep Running

I know, I know. I seem to have problems with maintaining motivation. Oh well. I did get out on my bike today. After that, I did a 10-minute jog. I also posted a few other activities from earlier this year.


Just Keep Running

Forgive me Blogsphere, for I have sinned. It has been 2 months and 14 days since my last exercise.

However, today I’ve resumed exercising. I purchased a new Cateye so I can track my stats for my bicycle rides. Then there’s the treadmill. And since I’ve a stationary bike stand for my Specialized, I will be working out in the basement until the road/trail conditions improve. Also, most of my winter running gear was purchased when I was 20 or 30 pounds lighter. By the time I get back down to that weight, it’ll be summer.

Anyway, I’m catching up on posting my stats.

Incremental Marathon/2020 Tour De Rook Update #∞

Just Keep Running

Yes, yes. I know. It’s been a while since I’ve posted any of my runs and rides. Well, here they are.

I enjoyed today’s run. I didn’t set any new records. But I maintained a pace of which to be proud. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got breakfast to cook.

Good Morning Blogstonia!

Yes, I’m up. I’ve been up since 5:25 AM when Smokey decided to step on the Apple remote and turn on the TV. The little shit. Of course, she was attempting to knock things off of elevated surfaces because she wanted her morning treats.

So, I’ve managed to get through my morning routine. That includes finishing my two cups of coffee. Next? I’m contemplating a run. I’d go on a bicycle ride, but 49 degrees is just too chilly. I’ll probably end up going for a run.

Oh, speaking of Smokey, here she is sitting on the stone table watching for the red squirrel she treed earlier. It was chattering away in anger on the tree in the background as this picture was taken.

Tour De Rook 2020

The second leg of the year.

I decided to cross the St. Louis River into Superior. It’s a tougher ride over to Wisconsin than back. It’s a long uphill pedal to the east.