The last post about my runs occurred on July 11th, 2024. So, this post is dedicated to getting the Strava Activities caught up, which, by the way, is below the fold.
Stats Catch-up

Because, you know, I’m the Inconsistent Blogger.
So, some catch-up is in order.
First, on January 30th of this year, I hit 40 years of sobriety. After all these years, it has become just another day. Still, it is something worth noting. Oh, and I’m so dry that the DNR has a fire spotter following me around.
Second, Valentine’s Day was Tina and I’s 11th anniversary of living together. I had known her online since 2003, but we didn’t start dating until 2012, which initially was a long-distance romance as she lived in Green Bay, I lived in Rutledge, and then Willow River. This long-distance romance lasted 2 years until she finished her two-year college course then wrongfully fired from her job. Considering it was in Wisconsin, you’ve got to be a poorly run company to have that government find you’ve fired someone wrongfully.
Third, after not running since November 10th, 2024, I’ve resumed my exercise routine starting on February 22nd, 2025. Yes, I am in pain. But it is temporary, and I will make it through to the other side.
Oh fuck. I now have a Doors tune ear-worming me. Sigh.
Anyway, that’s it for now. Carry on as you see fit for the current apocalyptic time.
It is not that we are doomed to the worst possible imagined outcome so much as that we are afraid it is possible, even if not probable. Yet, if we can imagine the worst, we can also imagine the best. So, note the fear, for it is legitimate. But we can also note hope; it, too, is legitimate.