Just Another Incremental Marathon Post

Just Keep Running

This run, combined with the distance I walked mowing the lawn, resulted in 5.35 miles, 10,398 steps, and 67 minutes of exercise time. Yeah, I’ll be exhausted tomorrow.

A Walk and A Run

Just Keep Running

After not feeling well yesterday, I recovered enough to go for a 4th of July walk with Tina. We left the car at one of the Trail Head parking lots, and I ran 2 miles to pick it up.

The Air Has Cleared

Just Keep Running

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Simplicity At Its Finest.

Just Keep Running

I took a simple walk, nothing too strenuous. I also decided to scope out some of the Superior National Hiking trails west of Norton Park, just above the DWP Trail. It was an enjoyable walk on a beautiful day.

Resumption of Resumption

Just Keep Running

Okay, okay. I know I’ve not posted anything about my exercise routine in quite some time. That’s because I haven’t exercised in quite some time. But today, I hit the trails with my Nordic Walking Sticks. And, before I forget – today’s stats are at the end. That’s because there’s the inevitable catching up of past workouts. So, without further ado:


Just Keep Running

Forgive me Blogsphere, for I have sinned. It has been 2 months and 14 days since my last exercise.

However, today I’ve resumed exercising. I purchased a new Cateye so I can track my stats for my bicycle rides. Then there’s the treadmill. And since I’ve a stationary bike stand for my Specialized, I will be working out in the basement until the road/trail conditions improve. Also, most of my winter running gear was purchased when I was 20 or 30 pounds lighter. By the time I get back down to that weight, it’ll be summer.

Anyway, I’m catching up on posting my stats.