To the stats!
- Temperature: 81°F
- Wind: SE 6 mph
- Humidity: 65%
- Miles: 10.65
- Time: 00:44:52
- Max Speed: 19 mph
- Average Speed: 14.2 mph
- iPhone: Eagles – Hotel California and Fleetwood Mac – Rumours
- Temperature: 79°F
- Wind: SSE 5 mph
- Humidity: 61%
I’d go on more about the ride, but it was really unremarkable. I went about 3 or 4 miles north, then turned around and headed south. I don’t really know how far south of Willow River I went. I just turned around so that it would be about 45 minutes into the run when I returned to Willow.
I’m sure you noticed a long stretch of time between the third and fourth legs. I made the mistake of playing horse shoes on the 31st. I ended up doing something really nasty to my back. I ended up going to my medical doctor to get muscle relaxers, then started back up with my chiropractor. And then, when I was starting to feel better, the weather decided not to cooperate. So, finally! Today was a good day.