Early Summer Cleaning

Castle cleaning has commenced!

By-the-way, I’m live-blogging my cleaning! Not that anyone is reading my blog now-a-days. But, it passes the time while the floor dries. That’s right non-existent readers of mine, I mopped the floor!

Cat litter box
Cat Litter Station

Update: Cat Litter Station cleaned and back in place! Next for cleaning is the kitchen table.

It's an old Barnes & Noble table someone fished out of the dumpster for me!
It’s an old Barnes & Noble table someone fished out of the dumpster for me!








And presto! My kitchen table is cleaned.

This is where Cinn hides when I clean. She hates the vacuum cleaner.
This is where Cinn hides when I clean. She hates the vacuum cleaner.







Just a quick shot of Cinnamon hiding because I’m vacuuming. Hell, she doesn’t even wait for me to get it plugged in and she’s already bolting for the office!





Okay, That’s it. I’m finished with apartment cleaning for the day. I’ve got the kitchen swept, mopped, and dusted. I also swept and vacuumed the living room area. Enough is enough! Now I’ve just got a cinnamon scented candle burning to make the place smell acceptable.

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