I’ve had numbness that is radiating out from my left ear. It started last Wednesday morning after I ran and it progressively spread until the left side of my tongue and chin were tingly numb. Not cool. It was at it’s worst last Friday when I finally went to urgent care. I was afraid it was an inner ear infection. However, that’s not the case. I’m thankful for that, because inner ear infections hurt like hell.
So, what is the problem? Well, the doctor, who came into the exam room wearing a face mask (yeah, very disconcerting) said the ear looks fine, but that there was some fluid behind the eardrum. Not sure how that qualifies as fine, but whatever. He also couldn’t explain the numbness that was radiating out from my ear. Basically he gave me the message I was getting old and these things happen. That attitude is not acceptable. Actually, it’s pretty crappy bedside manner.
Anyway, the extreme tingling and numbness has subsided. My tongue and chin are back to normal. However, there is still pressure and an itch occurring at my left ear. And at the base of the left side of my tongue in my throat there is a bit of discomfort. And I am feeling more fatigued than normal.
Unfortunately I have no insurance as of yet. This being due to once again starting a new job. So, while I wait for my insurance to kick in – not that it matter, the deductible sucks – I am taking a break from running. I just don’t have it in me at the moment. Once my insurance is active I’ll go to my primary and see what she has to say about things.