I’ve got a bunch of runs saved from the past two to three weeks that I will eventually get around to posting. With winter here (for the moment) I’m taking advantage of my Anytime Fitness membership. Nothing too extreme though. Just used an elliptical and did some pushups. I can tell I took too many days off – my pushups were far short of what I normally can do. Yet, it was nice to take a few days off from working out.
On the school front, I continue to complete my work on time and not at the last minute. Hopefully I can continue that trend. Also, I managed to get up early enough to journal. It’s been a while. Once a part of my daily morning routine, I had put it aside to concentrate on school work. However, it soon became apparent I wasn’t really getting up and doing school work anyway. So, this morning I reinstated morning journal writing. Surprisingly I found I had time for both the journal and my school work. And the workout!
Who knows how long this will last. But, I seem to have the energy, so I’m not going to let it go to waste. For all I know, tomorrow I’ll be back to my usual slacker self.