So, I picked up a new iMac. I’m getting ready to return to college. Online college. And my MacBook Air just wasn’t going to cut it. I have to say, I’m glad to have made the switch from Window machines to Apple. They just run better.
Anyway, I picked up a new app that allows me to do posts from my computer without having to go to the Dashboard of my site. Very nice. One of the problems I always had with doing posts was going to the slow, clunky interface of the WordPress dashboard installed on the server of Omnis. It doesn’t necessarily have all the bells and whistles that the interface has on the server, but at least the response time is quicker.
Another nice thing about this app is that I can also follow other wordpress blogs. I am trying to follow Wil Wheaton, but it seems that though his site is powered by WordPress, it doesn’t seem to be registered with WordPress. Go figure.
Well, that’s enough for now.