In Other News

I have a damn headache because the weather cannot make up its damn mind. It is warm; it is cold; it is warm; it is cold. It is getting old, is what it is doing.

Please; ignorant people supporting politicians who block any legislation on global warming, would you just do something stupid that gets you killed so we can elect people into congress that will do something to combat global warming.

Wow, that was mean.

Well, that is what happens when I get a headache. I get grumpy.

Slow Night

I had hoped to see more developments in the whole CIA/FBI/Generals investigation. But it is getting boring already. Turns out most of the players are actually really lame.

Still, something is not right about this whole situation. The sex is getting in the way of seeing clearly.

My problem is still the fact that the FBI continued digging into the emails after determining that no law was broken or national security compromised. Their relational just does not sound plausible.

What The Hell Is Going On?

The shocking revelation threatens to fell another of the U.S. military’s biggest names and suggests that the scandal involving Petraeus – a retired four-star general who had Allen’s job in Afghanistan before moving to the CIA last year – could expand much further than previously imagined.

via Top U.S. commander in Afghanistan investigated, Petraeus scandal widens | Reuters.

Seriously. This investigation seems to have uncovered a hornets nest. And my thoughts on Kelley being an innocent bystander are drawn into question.

The U.S. official said the FBI uncovered between 20,000 and 30,000 pages of communications – mostly emails and spanning from 2010 to 2012 – between Allen and Jill Kelley, who has been identified as a long-time friend of the Petraeus family and a Tampa, Florida, volunteer social liaison with military families at MacDill Air Force Base.

It was Kelley’s complaints about harassing emails from the woman with whom Petraeus had had an affair, Paula Broadwell, that prompted an FBI investigation, ultimately alerting authorities to Petraeus’ involvement with Broadwell. Petraeus resigned from his job on Friday.

And that is not the only thing that makes Kelley look less the innocent bystander.

U.S. officials had said in recent days that their investigation was largely complete and that prosecutors had determined it was unlikely they would bring charges in that case, which started when Kelley contacted an FBI agent in Tampa about harassing emails from an anonymous source.

That FBI agent, who has not been identified, has also come under scrutiny after it was discovered he had sent shirtless photographs of himself to Kelley, but “long before” this investigation, a law enforcement official told Reuters. The photographs were first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The agent had never been on the Broadwell case, but had taken the information about the emails to the FBI cyber squad in Tampa, the law enforcement official said.

I do not know. This could all be way overblown. The raggedy edge of an old-fashioned culture exerting one last hurrah before finally being laid to rest like the rest of its old-fashioned values that never really existed.

More Detail On The Petraeus Emails

Okay, so this article explains more about the start of the investigation. I can understand the rigor to which the FBI pursued the emails.

(Open Source) After Kelley alerted the FBI, agents began pursuing it as a possible case of cyber harassment or stalking. “The thought was she was being followed,” the source said.

The anonymous emails continued — sent from multiple alias accounts — and some later ones in the sequence contained references to Petraeus, though not by name, the source said.

What most alarmed Kelley and the FBI, the source said, were references to “the comings and goings” of high-level generals from the U.S. Central Command, which is based at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, and the U.S. Southern Command, as well as Petraeus — including events that were not on any public schedule. This raised the question as to whether somebody had access to sensitive — and classified — information.

Moreover, the sender of the emails had “covered her tracks pretty well,” the source said.

However, once it was determined that no laws were broken, why did the investigation then continue? Because to see if Petraeus was behind the emails is lame beyond all belief. And makes absolutely no sense.

Other post about this subject: In case anyone is wondering; Rove Once Again Leaking CIA Info? What Happened?

I Can Only Hope

Balloon Juice:

I expect the Republican Party and the Conservative movement to fracture. Like the malevolent evil that it is, I expect that neo-Confederate ideology will find a new home in some Conservative third party (perhaps ‘Libertarians’). Wherever it finds sanctuary, it is a force of racism and white supremacy that will plague America for a few more generations. And yet, as of last Tuesday, it will never again have the power it once had.

In Case Anyone Is Wondering

In considering this post, and this post, the point is not that Karl Rove was attempting to discredit Petraeus, it was that he had a funnel of information flowing from Petraeus through Broadwell that he used in an effort to discredit Obama’s foreign policy.

It is a simple concept people – work with me!

Some of the information hinted at by Broadwell might have been sensitive and not within her classification of security. That would go a long way towards explaining the FBI digging so deeply before discovering that Petraeus was involved.

And yes, I know, it is all conjecture. It is my day off, let me have my fun.


Reality Proves More Powerful Than Faith.

After all the talk of the Romney campaign being caught by surprise at their loss, I just had to find this:

The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

It turns out this is attributed to Karl Rove. Funny how being an actor has turned against him, as was so aptly shown on election night.

Bottom line: The world really does work the way he said it didn’t. That the Romney campaign enveloped themselves in the Karl Rove created bubble of faith-based beliefs completely explains their surprise when the truth of their loss became all too apparent.

You do not get to deny reality. God gave us our senses to use, not to ignore. All Magical thinking will do is put us in an Emperor’s new clothes. Granted, the horny, instinctual male in me would love to see certain women in an Emperor’s new clothes, but as a member of the Reality Based community I know it is never going to happen.

Damn, that makes me sad.

Booman Tribune ~ The Least Surprising Outcome

If you want one easy explanation why Romney won, here it is:

(Booman Tribune) There is nothing incomprehensible about it. President Obama hired people who believe in science. President Obama’s team used trial and error to hone the best possible practices. President Obama is a trained organizer which means he is very good at organizing people.

Mitt Romney is an expert at hiring people to cut corners and find loopholes in the law and hide large amounts of money and to loot pension funds. He is trained to deceive and defraud people, and to cheat and steal. He designs and exploits systems that are rigged so that he cannot lose. He doesn’t organize people. He fleeces them. He’s a con man. Just ask his billionaire supporters.

In the end, it really is that simple.

Rove Once Again Leaking CIA Info?

Anyone remember this? Karl Rove leaked Valarie Plame’s role as a CIA operative.

Now, again via C&L, it appears Karl Rove continues to mess with CIA personal for political gain. Not that it worked; still.

I’m smelling a Rove rat. Are you? Why the silence from Cantor? Clearly Reichert tipped Cantor off in the hopes of using this information in some way. The Petraeus/Rove relationship is real and long-standing. Is it possible that Paula was passing Rove information to use against President Obama in his re-election bid?

So, there is a timeline of events, more or less unrelated.

  • June 11, 2012 – Broadwell pictured with Rove, who tweets about it in June.
  • June-August, 2012 – FBI receives complaint about “harassing emails” sent by Broadwell to Jill Kelley
  • October 26, 2012 – Fox News “Exclusive” claiming CIA requested and was refused reinforcements.
  • October 26, 2012 – Broadwell pimps the Fox News version of events at a University of Denver symposium
  • October 28, 2012 – Rove hammers and expands on it in an interview on Fox News
  • Approximately October 28-31, 2012 – FBI confronts Petraeus and interviews him about emails, determines no breaches of national security have taken place.
  • October 31, 2012 – Cantor Chief of Staff contacted by Rep. Dave Reichert about FBI ‘whistleblower’. Cantor says he contacted the FBI immediately.
  • November 6, 2012 – Barack Obama wins re-election
  • November 6, 2012 – James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) informed of FBI investigation
  • November 8, 2012 – Petraeus submits resignation
  • November 9, 2012 – Resignation accepted

So, what is the deal here? There is something more to this story. Was it suppose to hurt President Obama? Obviously it did not. Instead, it looks to have backfired? Will Karl Rove finally be frog marched?