Guess I Should Put Up A Post

It was a busy week last week. I was studying for the progress check exam I then took on Friday. Not all that good of a score though. 75% It’s a C, I believe. I should have cancelled and did it another day, but I really was unaware of the liberal make-up policy. Oh well. I was able to download the results – though not the actual answers. It does let me know what general areas I need to brush up on. Then, obviously, there were the essays due by Saturday night at midnight. I’ve said enough about that.

Anyway, I’ve a few chapters to review in an effort to get a better final exam. Plus, I have to fight the urge to take one of the days off on the weekends. I pretty much have to put most of my free time into school. Part of it is the learning curve of how to study. It’s been 25 years since I last did any type of serious school work. I think I’m getting the hang of it. Just pick myself up, make adjustments, and move on.

That Was No Fun

Okay, confession time. I waited until the last minute to complete all the essays that were due today.

Yes, that’s right. I hate writing essays. They suck. They always have and they always will.

Anyway, I did manage to score 75% or higher on them. All six of them.

You read that right. I wrote six essays today. And finished with an hour to spare.

And no, I don’t plan on letting that happen again.

Very, Very, Very Happy!

Just finished listening to the last lecture before the Progress quiz due tomorrow night. So, that’s cool. However, what is really making me happy is that I just went back and did the last 3 quizzes over and aced all three of them! The Sensation & Perception quiz on the first try.

My experience with school, studying, and even writing, is so very much different than even my counseling certificate training I took 25 years ago.

After Run Post

Or more appropriately – after shower/after run post. I’m feeling clean and refreshed. I was afraid my run would tire me out. So, that’s good. Anyway, I’m getting ready to finish the last 3rd of the 3rd chapter of my textbook.

The decision is do I do it here or do I go to a coffee shop. Sometimes studying from home is problematic. Mostly because I am easily distracted by chores. Today, though, chores were a nice break between various study activities. Still, I sometimes just need to get out of the house.


Decisions, decisions.


I’m trying to wake up. I need to get going on my school work. I’ve Friday’s lecture to watch, as well as the Chapter 3 quiz to take (which was recommended for completion by Friday). Yeah, I’m stalling.

And there’s the planned run for today, which might not happen unless the drizzle outside clears up.

Oh, and I’m still working on finishing my morning coffee.

Update: I won’t be watching any lecture or doing any quizzes until after 9:00 AM due to scheduled maintenance on the Moodle site. I guess that means I’ll be reading my textbook.

Accidental School Work Avoidance

All I did was update my iMac. I wanted to install MacOS Sierra. I figured a 10 minute update process. Well, here it is an hour and a half later and it’s finally done. Sheesh. So, I’ll be reading my textbook in the morning and trying to catch up on my essay and other stuff this weekend.

Morning Study

I’m taking a break from studying. I got up at 4:15 and hit the shower right away. My usual routine since I started college was to get up and hit the books right away. However, it seemed no matter how hard I tried at managing my time efficiently I ended up rushing out the door. But, so far, with switching things around, I’m finding myself much less rushed. I still have plenty of time to get my hour of study time in and I’ll not be rushed going out the door.

Honestly, I’m loving the addition of computers and the intenet to studying. I’m finding it much easier to grasp ideas and concepts with the multiple ways of having information presented. I am also loving that I can go back and re-watch the lectures if I missed anything. In fact, this morning as I watched the video explainations to the online group work I’m about to get into I ended up backing it up because I became lost in thought and missed what was being presented.



Well, after posting about how confident I felt after my first week of school, I realized I still have one lecture left to listen to! Not a bit deal, as it’s only 46 minutes long. So, I’m going to take a break from studying this morning. Yes, I have been studying. I turned in an essay on scatterplots of exam scores vs quiz scores. No doubt it was not the best writing I’ve done, but that’s okay. I will improve.

Besides, the point of the essay was to impress upon me the importance of doing “the work of the class.”

However, I am in need of a break. So, that said – I’m going for a run. When I get back I’ll watch the lecture.

Ah, the benefits of online education.


I watched the Intro to Psych video this morning. I meant to watch it last night but I was so exhausted I went to bed by 7:30. Anyway, one of the instructors is a serious nerd! One, she talked about Gandolf. Two, she ended the lecture with the Wave. Yes, as in doing the wave done in stadiums. She’s definitely a nerd.

I’m going to love this class, I believe.

School Work

Okay, managed an hour this morning, and just about an hour tonight. Reading the text book. I also discovered I have to do a forum post about scatter-plotting. Thankfully it’s not due until Sunday. However, the Chapter 1 quiz is due by the 10th. And on top of that there will be two lectures to watch this week.

Anyway, a neck/headache has decided to settle down with me. So, I’m going to stop fighting it and go take something and then go to bed. I’ll get caught up in the morning.