About Running

I have been running. I just have not taken the time to upload the stats from Runtastic. And now that my classes have started, I will not be doing so anytime soon. I will keep running, but my time otherwise will be spent doing some very writing and reading intensive classes. One is Abnormal Psychology. The other is Science Fiction & Fantasy. This semester is going to be very trying for me.

Post Storm Non-shoveling

Just Keep Running

So I awoke to above freezing temperatures and slush on the ground. In checking the weather forecast I’ve learned the temperature is going to increase. So, no need to shovel this morning. With the high projected to be 38 I figure the slush will have melted away by the time I get off of work and back from my chiropractor visit.

Now – do I hop on the treadmill for some cardio?

Getting Caught Up

Indoor and outdoor!

So, this is a catch-up post for my running. As I mentioned a while back, I fell the last time I ran outside. Thumped the back of my head on the ice pretty damn hard too. Thankfully, that’s the safest place for me to hit (I heard that snickering from you in the back row) and all that hurt was my neck muscles for a few days. I’m all better now. However, I decided to forgo running outside and use the treadmill.

So, what follows is two outdoor runs and two treadmill runs. Later on today I might do another treadmill. But I’m thinking I might do it at Anytime Fitness so as to get out of the hair of Tina as she cleans the house. We’ve learned I am too slow for her when it comes to cleaning and it’s better that I’m out of the way.

Now, the stats!

12/17/2018 / 05:40 am


Just Keep Running

Well, I went for a run. At the 2.2 mile mark I slipped on the ice and landed on my back, bouncing the back of my head off the trail. I decided that was enough and walked the rest of the way home. I’ll post stats on today’s run and one other from earlier in the week.

Oh, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to stick to the treadmill for a while.

Simple Theme

I didn’t want anything fancy for a blog design. This is about as simple as it gets. I like!

Also, as you may have noticed, I’m going to eventual go for a run today. But first I have to make a trip to the bank, and other places.

Update: Well, images do not get posted on the main page. You have to click through to the individual post to see any images. Not liking that much. But I’ll play around with it later. Possibly there is a setting I have to change.

Catch Up

There was a hiccup with the GPS and Runtastic on my last run, causing the first 5 minutes not being recorded. Otherwise, her are the stats:

Running Catch-up

Just Keep Running

I did manage to run three straight days at the start of the week. Then I took three days off. I hit the treadmill this morning. Here are the stats for the last two runs.