Catch Up

Just Keep Running

So, I’ve not been the most motivated with my exercise. I’ve also not been the most motivated in posting the results to my blog. So, hence this catch-up post.

The app messed up this map. Somehow the GPS didn’t stop registering even though the app stopped monitoring. So, that straight line is my drive to work. However, all the stats for this run appear to be correct.

Really, there’s nothing to say about this run.

This run felt pretty good. I pushed myself on heart-rate, which seemed to clear my head.

For Want of Rain

Just Keep Running

All it did was sprinkle. And then only during the last 8 minutes or so of the run. I missed the heavy rain which occurred before I hit the pavement. It wasn’t a bad run considering I took six days off. Still, I would have liked a heavier rain in which to run.

Incremental Marathon

Just Keep Running

And this the day after I had a colonoscopy.

Update: I forgot to mention I also ran in the rain. I love running in the rain.

Tour De Rook 2020

The second leg of the year.

I decided to cross the St. Louis River into Superior. It’s a tougher ride over to Wisconsin than back. It’s a long uphill pedal to the east.

The Incremental Marathon

Just Keep Running

So, after yesterday’s adventure in bicycling, today I decided to go for a run. I did 45 minutes. After that, I did a little short of 4 minutes cool down walk. The maps are below.

The Run
The cooldown


Just Keep Running

Here goes an attempt to share with my blog.

Well, it didn’t actually work out. Runkeeper could not share the map. So it’s back to saving the picture into a file to upload to here at a later date.