Second Shot


Three weeks ago today, I received my first vaccine shot. It kicked my ass. I had a sore back – exceedingly sore – for three or four days. And I’ve been exhausted ever since – more than usual for me, anyway.

I’m going to go for my second shot today, later this afternoon, at about 3:00 PM. I suspect I’ll be experiencing more significant discomfort. All the reports I’ve heard second hand suggest that I’ll be extremely miserable within 12 hours and then slowly taper down over the next 24 to 72 hours.

I’ve already struggled with keeping up on my school work. I’m afraid this will make me even farther behind. At some point, I will have to bite the bullet and inform my instructors of my struggles. For now, though, I’ll maintain the axiom of pulling myself up by my own damn boot strings, thank-you-very-much!

Indoor Incremental Marathon

Just Keep Running

I decided to do my run on the treadmill in the basement. There’s just too much slush on the sidewalks and roads. Plus, there’s a lot of traffic this time of day. Finally, it’s dark. I am not in the mood to get hit by a car. My stats may seem off, but I ran with the incline set at 2.

Incremental Marathon – Staying Caught Up

Just Keep Running

I used my Withings Steel HR watch. It’s not a full-fledged Smart Watch. But it does monitor heart rate (hence the HR), and in conjunction with my iPhone, does GPS. Now, my Strava app is not able to directly link with the Withings watch. However, I can link the Withings Health Mate app to the Strava app. As a result, I get both apps posting my run online!

There is one irritating aspect of the Health mate app – it doesn’t seem to track my heart rate. And yet, the Strava app had my heart rate information. It really doesn’t matter all that much. Strava has a better website that gives me HTML code for posting my map. Withings doesn’t appear to do so.

Catching, Catching, Catching Up.

Just Keep Running

As can be seen, by each leg’s dates, I’ve not been the most diligent in my running. In my morning post, I know I would take a separate post to explain my lack of motivation for running, but this is not that post. Anyway, below is my catch up on the incremental marathon.

Pain, Pain, and More Pain


Crap! My back was seriously pissed at me for the past week or so. My lower back mostly. And it was radiating out into my hips. So, about two days ago, I decided it was time to resume stretching. I haven’t been running. An explanation as to why is for another post. Suffice it to type, not running meant not stretching.

Anyway, stretching: I haven’t been doing yoga level stretching. Honestly, do you know how hard it is to find any beginner’s yoga online? I’ve tried a few. Yeah, not cool. I really think most yoga instructors never truly worked with someone as tightly strung as me. So, I’ve been doing the stretches I was taught in school back in the ’70s. And guess what? They are doing the trick. And just after a few days.

This morning, I will finish this post, say good morning to Tina, who is banging about in the kitchen, having just woken up, and then stretch before hitting the shower. You all have a great day. And keep in mind that all of ‘this’ shall pass. It always does. It always will.

And It Moves a Little Bit Closer


Tina’s boss has come down with COVID. And since she had close interactions with him due to training on the new state-wide online DL system, I’ve chosen to stay home and get tested. It’s scheduled for 2:00 PM. It’s the rapid saliva test. So I should know the results before the end of the day.

When COVID first started its run back in February/March, we in the residential programs were told it was a matter of when, not if, we would get infected. I have considered myself lucky to have gone this long without getting sick. And, as is usually the case, now I think I have some symptoms. Mostly just a scratch in the throat. However, I also have sinus issues. So, yeah, it’s more likely to be the confluence of my sinuses and the dry, cold weather, not COVID.

Because I work in a residential setting, it’s better safe than sorry in regards to work. So, I’ll get the test, and if it’s negative, I will go to work tomorrow. If it’s positive – well, I’ll let you know.

Feeling Under the Weather.


I woke to a sore throat and headache. I’ve also had headaches on and off for a few days, accompanied by a volume increase of my tinnitus. All this indicates the return of a sinus infection—the consequence of severe ear infections as a child and excessive smoking of both cigarettes and marijuana in my past.

Back in 2013, I had Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. It cleared out my sinuses enough to make exercise less of a chore. However, due to the above-mentioned issues, my ENT doctor informed me I would experience continued sinus infections, especially after having a cold. However, I have routinely used a Neti pot to clean my sinuses. That means any infections I do get tend to be deeper where the Neti pot cannot reach. Also, there are humidifiers strategically placed throughout the house. That means I don’t experience as severe an infection as pre-surgery.

Still, all that considered, this morning’s symptoms necessitated my calling in sick. I will be scheduling an appointment at my Urgent Care and see about a course of antibiotics.

Oh, and this happened overnight:

This means breaking out my new electric snowblower. I’m looking forward to using it. It’s much lighter and easier to maneuver compared to its gas-powered cousins. And I’m not all that bothered by an extension cord.

Another Incremental Update

Just Keep Running

Again, 7 days between runs. I require motivation. Part of my issue is simple: I am not feeling particularly upbeat. This year has kicked my ass – in more ways than I care to share at this time. But, as some say, just getting out there is half the battle. Setting the clock back an hour might make getting up early easier, allowing me to get out and run in the morning.

Incremental Marathon Part ∞x∞

Just Keep Running

Not a bad feeling run after having taken a week off from exercising. Anyway, I am pleased. Unfortunately, I’ve gained weight. At my best, I was at 215. Currently, I’m at 231. And I can feel the extra 16 pounds when I run. Hell, I can feel the extra pounds just walking about the house and at home.

It means working harder at maintaining my exercise routine. In addition to feeling the weight in my daily activities, I also struggle with sleep. Again, it’s about maintaining a routine. In this case, it’s about meditating at night before bed. I listen to an isochronic tone set to the low spectrum from the site There are over 200 different noise generators. Some are great at increasing alertness. Others do an admirable job of creating drowsiness, such as the isochronic tone I mentioned earlier. In the morning, I listen to Neuromodulator. It does an excellent job of eliminating and/or reducing my tinnitus. I donated money to the site, so I have a wide range of sounds available. However, you don’t have to donate money, and you’ll still have a good selection of sounds.