Nothing much to add.
Just Another IM Update
Nothing much to add.
Nothing much to add.
Good morning! I managed a decent heart rate with an improved pace. And I ran one of my favorite routes.
My slowest pace this year. But that’s to be expected. I took a route with steeper hills than I’ve been used to tackling. Also maintained a lower average heart rate. And I only hit 161 a couple of times on some steep inclines. So, all in all, I’m happy with this run.
My pace was down. But my heart rate was in the range I like. I didn’t have the best night’s sleep, which explains my lower speed. But I’m okay with that. At this point, I’m looking to just put effort into maintaining an exercise routine. I’ll let the benefits be secondary.
I am pleasantly surprised by my heart rate. I managed my lowest max rate so far since resuming the marathon.
This is from last week. Just catching up on posting my runs.
*Incremental Marathon
My heart rate was much better than the last run. I peaked at 162 towards the end but managed an overall average of 151. So, yes, a vast improvement over last week’s run.
My heart rate was through the roof! My average was 162. However, I hit 172 several times at the end. But what did I expect? I haven’t run since February 19th! Thirty seven days without running. And I felt it!
Without elaborating too much, I am going to say I managed three runs this week. Forty-five minutes on Monday, and 30 minutes Wednesday and this morning. Feeling pretty good about them – no exhaustion or out-of-the-ordinary tightness that existed before I received the vaccine.
I have hope.
Okay, since writing my long post the other day, I’ve managed to get two workouts in. The first one on Monday was 45 minutes long. The one today was for 30 minutes. Again, nothing great on my speed or distance. But that is to be expected. I weighed myself today for the first time in a long time: 238 pounds. It’s about the heaviest I have weighed in years. It’s not the heaviest I have ever been – that was close to 250 pounds.
Anyway, despite the weight, I felt good during both workouts, and there was no exhaustion afterward.
And on the schoolwork front – I’m gaining ground already.
I could write a 500-word post about how I feel now that I’ve gotten past the discomfort (I minimize) of the second shot. Suffice it to say; I feel physically better than I have for the past year. In February of 2020, I became ill. It was mild at first, but something told me to sleep. I did, for over 30 hours, getting up to go to the bathroom once.
Since that day, I have been mildly achy, tired, and stiff – every day. Sitting at a desk caused a mild backache that became excruciating if I felt even a little under the weather beyond the already discouraging discomfort. I experienced three days of exhaustion after exercising. An eight hour day of employment was exhausting. I ended up dropping the fall semester of college because I didn’t have the energy to do school work after eight hours on the job. I lost a job because of being so tired and making the poor choice of confronting my boss about their condescending and moralizing manner.
Hindsight being 20/20, I’m amazed I managed to keep my current job. I am surprised I was able to perform at my current job. And I was once again struggling to keep up with my school work.
On the emotional and mental front, I struggled with mild depression. I lost motivation. I would become angry over the actions of others, something I had overcome through meditation and exercise. However, because of my physical condition, activity became a chore. And meditation became elusive. I became moody, swinging between irritation, sadness, and hopelessness.
Now? I can tell something has changed. Not only physically but mentally as well. My stiffness and achiness have left. Instead, I feel the normal physical condition of an overweight man approaching 60. I can accept that. And I can do something about my weight. I know it will take a while until I am back to the weight before February of 2020. But with how I feel these past two days? Yeah, I can get it done.
I have already emailed my instructors, as well as resumed working on assignments. The damage to my grades is not reversible, over which I have no worries. Instead, I will pick myself up, dust myself off, and get back to business. I am contemplating taking a few days off from work and concentrate on getting caught up on my school work. I am behind on the lab portion of my introduction to biology class. I struggled with using the app required with the course. However, taking time off may not be necessary.
To recover from the impact of that last year, all I need is to apply effort. I will let the outcome figure itself out.
Okay, so I ended up coming close to 500 words. What can I say? My muse overcame me.